Our Mission

Homework House strengthens our community by promoting educational success and providing free tutoring and mentoring for children living in economically-disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Homework House fosters educational success in children by providing safe, nurturing environments that recognize and build on their inherent strengths and resilience.

• We provide free, neighborhood-centered ACCESS to our programs.

• We believe that every child can achieve EXCELLENCE according to their strengths and needs.

• We respect and engage the children’s FAMILIES, recognizing the social challenges and economic challenges they may face.

• We value EDUCATION as a potent force that enables people to become productive, contributing members of society.

• We foster and support a DIVERSE COMMUNITY of adults and children that respects and celebrates individual differences.

•  We advocate for SOCIAL JUSTICE by acting in culturally-competent ways that promote dignity, opportunity, economic equity and well-being for all.